
Showing posts from August, 2020

Damage Assessment

This week I was tasked with conducting a damage assessment to an area in New Jersey after Hurricane Sandy hit. Below is the result of my analysis. The points are symbolized with a color ramp, with Green representing No Damage and red representing Destroyed.       The assignment called for an analysis of the number of points within 100, 200, and 300 meters of the coastline. In order to conduct this analysis, I first created a coastline feature. After setting up the coastline feature, I then created three buffers for 100, 200, and 300 meters, all on the right side of the line. From there I simply manually counted how many of each category fell into the buffer layers. I did use the “Select layer by attribute” tool to help highlight the different categories.      I found that every building within 100 meters of the coastline was destroyed or received major damage. The parcels that were unaffected were parking lots and did not have structures. This was the ...